I am constantly saying that I need to write down all the stuff that my kids say. I am constantly forgetting to do it. I don't know why, because this is the perfect place to do it, and it's easy! So here are a few recent instances of JJ's unique mind at work:
The other day, the kids were talking about Diabetes, and people having to get things amputated. All of a sudden JJ, very dramatically says, "Uuuggghh, if people don't stop talking about cutting things off, I'm gonna feel like I have a raccoon in my throat!" Then the next day, she was starting to get upset about something and I asked her, "Uh-oh, are you going to feel like you have a raccoon in your throat again?" to which she replied, "No, now I'm going to feel like I have an elephant in my throat!"
Yesterday, JJ and Paesi were in the kitchen eating lunch when JJ yells, "MOMMY! We have devil cats in our house! There's devil cats!" So I go in the kitchen, and she's pointing at an empty chair. I asked here where she saw it, and she said, "Right there, I saw it's eyes." So I'm thinking, kinda creepy sounding. I asked her what color it was and she said black. Ok...so I asked her what color it's eyes were, thinking if she said red I'm going to start praying...she says, "uuummmmmm, purple?" A few minutes later, she told me that when the cat jumped on the trampoline, it's eyes were blue, and when it sat on the couch they were pink. A little later, when she was on the computer, and Paesi came over to her, she said, "Paes...there's a devil cat over here, don't come over." Four years old and torturing her sister...
Today she asked me to tell her some Spanish words. Then she said, "Nihao, who says Nihao Mama?" I told her it was Chinese. She said, "Chinese? Chinese is my favorite place in the WHOLE.WIDE.WORLD! I always wished I could go to Chinese. I wish I could live there with Kailan. But I would still be your little JJ. How do they say hello in Mexico?"
"And where do they say Vaminos?"
"Mexico" (I know, not completely accurate)
"Then Doot doo lives in Mexico, cause she says vaminos!"
Well, I think this is long enough for now...next edition coming soon, and we have another one following in her footsteps, so the next one could be Paesi's ponderings...
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Latest Edition of JJ-ese
We were sitting in the emergency room with a baby with a cracked open forehead. We were having to keep her from bouncing off the bed, you'd think a head wound would slow a two year old down at least a little bit...but no! While waiting for the Dr to come in (which seemed to take forever, but in reality was a short wait for the ER) we were treated to a long conversation that was dominated by JJ. FUN!
This is how she looked at first...

Finished product (before she picked the glue out)
JJ(while sitting in my lap looking up my nose)- " You got yucky tuff in yo nose." me- "really?' As she continued to examine my nose with a very concerned look on her face I realized..."Oh you mean hair?" "Yeah, you got hair" "I know it's Baba's (my mom) fault. She gave me her big nostrils." To which she replied, "Baba, dat not very nice!"
A little later she was in the middle of a conversation when she stopped, looked at my mom, and in a very serious tone said, " You got red hair, dat mean you gonna die." Then she looked at me and said, "You got red hair too." Where did that come from...weirdo!
I wish I would have had a recording device to get the whole conversation, but that's all I can remember now. That little weirdo is, however, a very tough little weirdo! She cracked her head open on the windowsill(as far as we can figure) cried for maybe two minutes, whimpered for about three more, and that was the extent of the crying. Nothing when the nurse was washing it with a rag, nothing when the Dr. was squeezing it together to glue it, or in her words, "to fix me". I was amazed, and a little sad when I saw that her eyes were watering. But man, tough I tell ya!!
Oh, and the next day as we were pulling out of the driveway to take her to the Dr. because she picked the glue out of it she waves and yells, "Bye Jakey, Jessi, Daddy, I won't let you down!" Seriously, where does she get this stuff? We are in for a very entertaining and comical ride I do believe!

After it was cleaned up...

This one is definitely going to give us a run for our money!!! Keep us in your prayers! LOL
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
What the?
This is what my kids say when they are flabbergasted by something...what the? I cannot believe it has been almost a year since I posted on here! Well this will be short. Just another Jessi-ism. Driving down the road the other day, we had been talking about Christmas songs. All of a sudden she asks, " How can someone give away their heart to someone else?" I pause for a second, wondering where that came from. I thought maybe she had seen a billboard or something. So I try to think of the best way to explain. I tell her, "sometimes someone dies, and the things that keep you alive are still ok, so they can give them to people who are sick so they can stay alive. That's how someone can give someone else their heart." She sits for a minute and then says, " oh so when that cd says it, that's what it's talking about?" Then it hit me..."last christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away..." Wow, that was a whole lot of heavy stuff I laid on a little girl when all she did was ask a simple question...sorry Jess!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Hey my fam!
Hey, I wanted to play this song when we were all together on Thanksgiving, but...didn't happen, so here's the lyrics:
There's no way to put into words
How lucky I feel
Tonight under the lights
with all of you right here.
I'll cherish this moment
wherever I go
Without you I never would have known that
A little bit of love goes a long long way
So give a little love
A little bit of love changes everything
So give a little, give a little bit of love
Give a little bit of love
So what if it's getting cold
and everyone's inside
my heart is warm as a fire
when I'm by your side
the best things in life are
always the simple things
don't need much, just you here with me
A little bit of love goes a long long way
So give a little love
A little bit of love changes everything
So give a little, give a little bit of love
Give a little bit of love
It's better to live, better to live
than forget that it's
better to give better to give than to get
A little bit of love goes a long long way
A little bit of love changes everything
So give a little bit of love
So just wanted to let you all know how thankful I am for every one of you! Thanks for being you, and for all you've done to make me me! I love you all more than you'll ever know!!
There's no way to put into words
How lucky I feel
Tonight under the lights
with all of you right here.
I'll cherish this moment
wherever I go
Without you I never would have known that
A little bit of love goes a long long way
So give a little love
A little bit of love changes everything
So give a little, give a little bit of love
Give a little bit of love
So what if it's getting cold
and everyone's inside
my heart is warm as a fire
when I'm by your side
the best things in life are
always the simple things
don't need much, just you here with me
A little bit of love goes a long long way
So give a little love
A little bit of love changes everything
So give a little, give a little bit of love
Give a little bit of love
It's better to live, better to live
than forget that it's
better to give better to give than to get
A little bit of love goes a long long way
A little bit of love changes everything
So give a little bit of love
So just wanted to let you all know how thankful I am for every one of you! Thanks for being you, and for all you've done to make me me! I love you all more than you'll ever know!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Funny Kids
So I saw a post on facebook the other day. It was a mom who said that she had kept a journal of all the funny things her kids said. Man I wish I would have thought about that before, but I really think that I want to start now.
There are a few for some of the older kids that I still remember. So I thought I would share.
Geoy: "I want my fork and hot dog!" and for some reason Salt did not sound at all like salt, so glad his favorite show was blues clues so he could talk about mr. Salt. Then there was his weird name thing, whatever people called him, he called them, there was You (Jen always said Hey YOU! ) There was abada cause Pierce was always talking to him about birds, there was Dude cause Jonathan always called him dude, and then of course there was Baba cause She always called him Bubby, and that one stuck.
Then there's Anni who at four years old cried, you just don't understand me, and slammed the door. Most of her funny stuff came in the form of song, "They just don't love me, why don't they love me. Why are they making me clean my room?" She is also to the age now where she is saying very teenagerish stuff that makes me laugh coming out of my nine year old.
Jakey, oh my gosh he is so funny. He used to make up his own words. He still does I guess. The ones I remember the most were wootah and wootabee. Usually, I'm going to wootah you in the wootabee. Then there was bok-bok-inock. The latest has been pickle-Joe-Pete, huh?? The other day he saw something on TV and was like did you just see that rampaging dinosaur dude? I never know what he'll come up with next!
Jessi is hilarious. She has her issues with the way she says things that leads to very funny, and sometimes embarrassing situations. There was the naughty slug, "that fug is naughty." But the funniest things are the things she just comes up with, like a turkey is a fat chicken. And her rear is always her "big brown bahooky" thanks to open season, and today she had the bless yous. And as I'm writing this she is reading the bible to me "Jesus blessed us and then he died on the cross for us and He said let my people go, but the devil didn't listen." So funny!
So man, I really need to get that journal! Hope this was good for a laugh!
There are a few for some of the older kids that I still remember. So I thought I would share.
Geoy: "I want my fork and hot dog!" and for some reason Salt did not sound at all like salt, so glad his favorite show was blues clues so he could talk about mr. Salt. Then there was his weird name thing, whatever people called him, he called them, there was You (Jen always said Hey YOU! ) There was abada cause Pierce was always talking to him about birds, there was Dude cause Jonathan always called him dude, and then of course there was Baba cause She always called him Bubby, and that one stuck.
Then there's Anni who at four years old cried, you just don't understand me, and slammed the door. Most of her funny stuff came in the form of song, "They just don't love me, why don't they love me. Why are they making me clean my room?" She is also to the age now where she is saying very teenagerish stuff that makes me laugh coming out of my nine year old.
Jakey, oh my gosh he is so funny. He used to make up his own words. He still does I guess. The ones I remember the most were wootah and wootabee. Usually, I'm going to wootah you in the wootabee. Then there was bok-bok-inock. The latest has been pickle-Joe-Pete, huh?? The other day he saw something on TV and was like did you just see that rampaging dinosaur dude? I never know what he'll come up with next!
Jessi is hilarious. She has her issues with the way she says things that leads to very funny, and sometimes embarrassing situations. There was the naughty slug, "that fug is naughty." But the funniest things are the things she just comes up with, like a turkey is a fat chicken. And her rear is always her "big brown bahooky" thanks to open season, and today she had the bless yous. And as I'm writing this she is reading the bible to me "Jesus blessed us and then he died on the cross for us and He said let my people go, but the devil didn't listen." So funny!
So man, I really need to get that journal! Hope this was good for a laugh!
Friday, November 20, 2009
I Cried Today (er, yesterday)
Ok, so here goes take two. I hope I don't forget anything! Whenever this season comes around, it changes my perspective on being a mother, and on my Salvation. How could Mary have lived knowing Who Jesus really was. I don't think she could have known the true extent of what was to come, or she wouldn't have survived. But to think that the fate of the world lay in the body of this tiny baby. This fragile little body that had been placed in her care. The pressure to raise Him right and to keep Him safe must have been unbelievable. Then there must have been the temptation to spoil Him rotten only because she knew how special He truly was. We all have grand hopes and dreams for our children, but Mary KNEW that in Her son's future was the greatest plan of all. How could she discipline the Son of God? Wow.
Then as He got older, and started to push people, I wonder how many times she scolded him. Told Him to blend in, you don't want these people upset with you. I wonder how many nights she laid in bed crying in fear for His safety.
Then in the horrible end, to see her BABY beaten beyond recognition. To see Him in such pain, and not be able to do ANYTHING about it. How strong her faith must have been to just go on living, let alone to believe that her Father could take something so horrendous, and use it for something so good!
I don't think that Mary should be worshiped, or prayed to, but I do believe that she had to be the strongest woman to ever walk this earth to go through what she went through and keep on living. I know I could never do it. I would have done everything to save my son, and that is why God chose Mary.
When I think about Jesus as a tiny, defenseless baby, it makes what God did and what He did that much more real to me. Maybe that's because I have so much experience with babies...
So this is the song that got me thinking about all of this:
Joseph's Lullaby-Mercy Me
Go to sleep my son
This manger for your bed
You have a long road before You
Rest Your little head
Can you feel the weight of Your glory
Do You understand the price?
Or does the Father guard Your heart so
You can sleep tonight?
Go to sleep my son
Go and chase Your dreams
This world can wait for one more moment
Go and sleep in peace
I believe the glory of Heaven
Is lying in my arms tonight
But Lord, I ask that He for just one moment
Simply be my child
Go to sleep my son
Baby close Your eyes
Soon enough You'll save the day
But for now, dear child of mine
Oh, my Jesus, sleep tight.
Then as He got older, and started to push people, I wonder how many times she scolded him. Told Him to blend in, you don't want these people upset with you. I wonder how many nights she laid in bed crying in fear for His safety.
Then in the horrible end, to see her BABY beaten beyond recognition. To see Him in such pain, and not be able to do ANYTHING about it. How strong her faith must have been to just go on living, let alone to believe that her Father could take something so horrendous, and use it for something so good!
I don't think that Mary should be worshiped, or prayed to, but I do believe that she had to be the strongest woman to ever walk this earth to go through what she went through and keep on living. I know I could never do it. I would have done everything to save my son, and that is why God chose Mary.
When I think about Jesus as a tiny, defenseless baby, it makes what God did and what He did that much more real to me. Maybe that's because I have so much experience with babies...
So this is the song that got me thinking about all of this:
Joseph's Lullaby-Mercy Me
Go to sleep my son
This manger for your bed
You have a long road before You
Rest Your little head
Can you feel the weight of Your glory
Do You understand the price?
Or does the Father guard Your heart so
You can sleep tonight?
Go to sleep my son
Go and chase Your dreams
This world can wait for one more moment
Go and sleep in peace
I believe the glory of Heaven
Is lying in my arms tonight
But Lord, I ask that He for just one moment
Simply be my child
Go to sleep my son
Baby close Your eyes
Soon enough You'll save the day
But for now, dear child of mine
Oh, my Jesus, sleep tight.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Oh My Word!!
So I had this long awesome post on here, to tell about some thoughts that hit me today through a song. After trying several times to cut and paste the lyrics, I decided to type them. I got almost done and a little finger pushed the master power button. So needless to say, I feel like it needs to be said. My brain just hurts too bad to do it all over right now. But tomorrow it will be here, so stay tuned!
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