Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Recent JJ ponderings...

I am constantly saying that I need to write down all the stuff that my kids say. I am constantly forgetting to do it. I don't know why, because this is the perfect place to do it, and it's easy! So here are a few recent instances of JJ's unique mind at work:

The other day, the kids were talking about Diabetes, and people having to get things amputated. All of a sudden JJ, very dramatically says, "Uuuggghh, if people don't stop talking about cutting things off, I'm gonna feel like I have a raccoon in my throat!" Then the next day, she was starting to get upset about something and I asked her, "Uh-oh, are you going to feel like you have a raccoon in your throat again?" to which she replied, "No, now I'm going to feel like I have an elephant in my throat!"

Yesterday, JJ and Paesi were in the kitchen eating lunch when JJ yells, "MOMMY! We have devil cats in our house! There's devil cats!" So I go in the kitchen, and she's pointing at an empty chair. I asked here where she saw it, and she said, "Right there, I saw it's eyes." So I'm thinking, kinda creepy sounding. I asked her what color it was and she said black. I asked her what color it's eyes were, thinking if she said red I'm going to start praying...she says, "uuummmmmm, purple?" A few minutes later, she told me that when the cat jumped on the trampoline, it's eyes were blue, and when it sat on the couch they were pink. A little later, when she was on the computer, and Paesi came over to her, she said, "Paes...there's a devil cat over here, don't come over." Four years old and torturing her sister...

Today she asked me to tell her some Spanish words. Then she said, "Nihao, who says Nihao Mama?" I told her it was Chinese. She said, "Chinese? Chinese is my favorite place in the WHOLE.WIDE.WORLD! I always wished I could go to Chinese. I wish I could live there with Kailan. But I would still be your little JJ. How do they say hello in Mexico?" 
 "And where do they say Vaminos?"
 "Mexico" (I know, not completely accurate)
"Then Doot doo lives in Mexico, cause she says vaminos!"

Well, I think this is long enough for edition coming soon, and we have another one following in her footsteps, so the next one could be Paesi's ponderings...

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