Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Latest Edition of JJ-ese

We were sitting in the emergency room with a baby with a cracked open forehead. We were having to keep her from bouncing off the bed, you'd think a head wound would slow a two year old down at least a little bit...but no! While waiting for the Dr to come in (which seemed to take forever, but in reality was a short wait for the ER) we were treated to a long conversation that was dominated by JJ. FUN!

JJ(while sitting in my lap looking up my nose)- " You got yucky tuff in yo nose." me- "really?' As she continued to examine my nose with a very concerned look on her face I realized..."Oh you mean hair?" "Yeah, you got hair" "I know it's Baba's (my mom) fault. She gave me her big nostrils." To which she replied, "Baba, dat not very nice!"

A little later she was in the middle of a conversation when she stopped, looked at my mom, and in a very serious tone said, " You got red hair, dat mean you gonna die." Then she looked at me and said, "You got red hair too." Where did that come from...weirdo!

I wish I would have had a recording device to get the whole conversation, but that's all I can remember now. That little weirdo is, however, a very tough little weirdo! She cracked her head open on the windowsill(as far as we can figure) cried for maybe two minutes, whimpered for about three more, and that was the extent of the crying. Nothing when the nurse was washing it with a rag, nothing when the Dr. was squeezing it together to glue it, or in her words, "to fix me". I was amazed, and a little sad when I saw that her eyes were watering. But man, tough I tell ya!!

Oh, and the next day as we were pulling out of the driveway to take her to the Dr. because she picked the glue out of it she waves and yells, "Bye Jakey, Jessi, Daddy, I won't let you down!" Seriously, where does she get this stuff? We are in for a very entertaining and comical ride I do believe!
This is how she looked at first...
After it was cleaned up...
Finished product (before she picked the glue out)

This one is definitely going to give us a run for our money!!! Keep us in your prayers! LOL

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